SaddleBrooke Squares 10th Anniversary Reunion
Our objective: To promote interest in square dancing and to encourage fellowship among its members.
The SaddleBrooke Squares (SBS) were formed in January 1995. The SBS became a sanctioned club of the SaddleBrooke HOA in 1998.
We Square Dance at the Plus Level
There are several levels of square dancing: Mainstream, Plus, Advance and Challenge. The SBS choose to dance at the Plus level.
To accommodate all of our members with varied experience and interest, we offer a versatile program of Plus level square dance venues.
Most of our regular dances and parties are held here in SaddleBrooke in one of our two clubhouses.
We pride ourselves in having fun in every way we can. In addition to our own club dances, we promote attendance at several out-of-town festivals a year. Festivals are not competitions, but just optional fun weekends filled with square dancing.
We have other special events from time to time, such as our periodic “Mystery Trip,” where we have to follow clues to some “unknown” destination. Once we arrive, there is socializing, food (of course), and square dancing (of course).
Square Dance Lessons
Teaching is a Priority
Since the inception of the SBS, we have had a strong teaching program conducted by our caller, Larry Kraber, who is a SaddleBrooke resident. Larry has since retired, but we have added two callers, Bob Asp and Dean Singleton. We do everything we can to assist the new dancers in learning to dance the calls that will enable them to square dance at a competent Plus level. See New Dancer Program for details of our comprehensive teaching program for new dancers.
Whether you are an experienced dancer or just interested in this fun program, please contact us here. We would enjoy seeing you across one of our squares in the future.