June 2024 to May 2025
Square Dance Program

Square Dancing is the Original American Dance … It provides exercise and fun to thousands of dancers throughout the United States and the world.
Square Dancing has Significant Health Benefits.
Square Dancing is a BRAIN-POWER activity. How so you ask?
Learning new moves activates brain motor centers that form new neural connections.

Dancing also calms the brain’s stress response.
… REALLY. Don’t take our word for it.
It’s FITNESS at its best. Some folks will even comment on how much exercise they are getting in an evening of square dancing, unaware of the actual results the activity is providing for them. With square dancing, you are exercising the brain and the body simultaneously. You are getting a real workout without even realizing it because it is so much fun. Square dancing is a great cardiovascular exercise. Movement to music is melodious to the mind.
— excerpt from “It’s Fun to Get Fit for Under a Fin”, by Corben Geis, American Square Dance, July 2004
SaddleBrooke Squares features “Plus Level” dancing. We think this is the level of square dance that provides the most fun.
Through most of the year, we dance at least one night a week, sometimes more. Our normal schedule is frequently punctuated with special events, parties and an occasional out-of-town festival. Changes in our normal schedule do occur from time to time.
We take great pride in providing a strong teaching program for people who are new to square dancing but are eager to learn, or who have square danced before but want to polish up their skills. So even if you have never done a “Do-Si-Do” in your life, it’s time for You to share in the fun and Discover What All the Laughter is About.
Are you a square dancer traveling in the area? Stop in and see us. We welcome out-of-town guests. For more information, read about Who We Are and How to Find Us.